The Funeral Service

Floral Tributes

Bereavement is such a sensitive time when family and friends experience a wide range of emotions. On these occasions, the timeless beauty of flowers provides a unique opportunity to express these feelings and bring comfort. From loosely styled, natural arrangements to a more formal tribute of a single flower, the emotive language of flowers is boundless.

Donations to Charity

If donations are requested in lieu of flowers, we will accept and list donations on your behalf and forward them in due course to the charity of your choice, who will acknowledge your kind gesture.


We can advise you on venues or companies who will be able to assist you with your catering needs, many of whom are featured in our guide.

Service Stationery

We use the services of a local firm of printers to produce personalised orders of service. What we recommend is that after the family consults with the appointed member of the clergy or officiant, your funeral director will take the content of the order of service direct from the minister/officiant, and liaise directly with the printer.

We will work with the family to produce a front cover which can be personalised with a photograph or illustration, bearing some significance to the deceased. The back page is an ideal opportunity to extend an open invitation to join the family at the return venue for refreshments, should you choose to, to publish a small acknowledgement and to publish any details concerning requests for charitable donations.

Please be assured that we will always produce a proof for the family to approve before going to print.